Monday, March 19, 2012

Kim Kardashian....Who?

Kim Kardashian, ummm who is that? Yes, that would have been some ones response if you would have asked them a few years ago about her. Now even little children know who she is, people even try to imitate who she is. So now it is quite funny to me that she has a net worth of about $35 million (The Richest People). Yes, that is right $35 million that is way more than I was expecting!

It is quite funny that she is such a big name and made lots of money for herself from starting out as a girl who just dated lots of celebrities. Before she had the tape out with Ray J she was just an assistant and stylist to the stars, and now she is considered a star. She makes about $40000 per episode on the show “Keeping up with the Kardashians” (Television Stars Salaries). What in the world, she is not even doing anything!!! I seriously do not even understand what she even does on the show except be rude to everyone because she thinks she is just the ‘ol mighty one. And people wonder why she was only married for 72 days.

She does not have a legitimate career yet she is still raking in the high money with the best of them. I am completely confused on what she does and why in the world she is making that much money. Entertainers in reality television as a whole just get me upset, because they are making money either by doing nothing or by making a fool out of themselves, sometimes even both. It is sickening especially when you see people out here actually trying to have a career and trying to make money while actually working hard. 

Everyone tries to make it seem like she is a successful businesswoman who made a name for herself, but geez people have you forgotten the main reason she was in the media to begin with. Besides that her father was a lawyer that got a killer off!, but let’s talk about that another time, she was in the media because she had a sex tape out with the r&b singer Ray J. So a few years ago she was known as the girl in the video, not “The Kim Kardashian”. So maybe people should start remembering this when they are paying so much money for her clothing line, and watching her television show, and even allowing their children to imitate her. 

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